Monday, August 30, 2010

Hay, Iris, Popcorn and Birthday

How much hay can you get in the bed of a pickup? At Katie's invitation, Becky and I set off on another hay adventure to Robertson County to find out. A friend of Katie's had graciously given us a large quantity of spoiled hay for the garden so on a recent Monday, we went up to pick it up and have lunch with Katie. Katie, of course, had a camera to record the historical event. Thanks Katie for the pictures, for the hay and for not being too embarrassed to eat out at a nice restaurant with your farmer-dressed parents. The old in ground barbecue pit, that has been an eye sore in our yard since we moved to Leiper's Fork, has recently been converted to an iris bed which should be a great improvement. Early this Spring, Becky brought home some popcorn seed from Katie and instructions from Rebecca on how to plant and harvest it correctly. We decided to plant the seed in the garden and recently enjoyed the fruit of our (actually it was Becky's) labor. This past Friday was my brother Paul's 63rd birthday and another reminder that if he is 63 then I must be 64. Happy birthday Paul.

Becky reaches the summit,  with some assistance
Queen of the mountain
New Iris Bed
Part of the Popcorn harvest
It actually was pretty good
Paul caught in the act of stealing my birthday cake.  The cut little boy to the left is me.


  1. Dad - I didn't know you guys tried the popcorn. Glad it worked. It'll be fun to try. Nice pictures - the iris's look great - can't wait to see if they bloom this next spring....and what a cute picture of you and Uncle Paul!!! Good blogging!

  2. love the new glad you got it to work-i had no clue y'all planted popcorn fun! the picture of you and uncle paul is so cute!!!
