Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Last Rodeo - Brooks and Dunn

Shortly after moving to Middle Tennessee, Becky became a country music fan.  It was an amazing transformation to watch and even included a taste for beer.  My wife has become a country girl.  Last year, when she read that Brooks and Dunn were ending their 20 year career on September 2nd with their final concert in Nashville, I purchased tickets for this historic event.   We ate dinner downtown and were in our seats by 7:30 pm.  It was a great concert and Brooks and Dunn put on quite a show.  I normally can get bored at these types of events but not this one.  They sang one hit after another for three hours and when it was over, I thought it was intermission.  Reba McEntire was their guest and with them sang Cowgirls Don't Cry and they ended the evening singing Only in America with confetti and the U.S. Marines.  It doesn't get much better. 


  1. so fun! i'm glad y'all had a good time! :) love the pictures!!!!

  2. Dad - you got some pretty good pictures at the concert. So glad you had fun - I'm sure it meant a lot to Mom that you not only got the tickets, but went and enjoyed the evening with her. Way to go!!!
