Monday, March 21, 2011

Washington comes to Middle Tennessee - Part 1

The long awaited arrival of Rachel, Adde and Payne occurred earlier this month and what a wild and crazy time it was for all.  Adde and Payne were overwhelmed by her Tennessee cousins and it was quite a blessing to watch them all interact with each other.  Family is a wonderful gift from our Lord.  I found, after reviewing my pictures that there is no logical pattern to them .... I just snapped a picture when the mood struck me so have included the first batch for your viewing enjoyment.  

Kramer being loved on

Chaos in the hallway

Payne meeting Uncle Tim

The "cousins table"  (not sure why Mandy was there but maybe to keep order?)

Caleb - the bottomless pit

Lydia - almost a smile






Payne - That smile melted some hearts

1 comment:

  1. What a great bunch of grandkid pictures. Sad mine aren't in there, but I got plenty of pictures when Rachel was here!
    LOVE that last one of Payne
